Royalties Value
in Ector County Texas

Trying to find information about royalties value in Ector County Texas?  If you are receiving royalty checks each month, finding reliable information about how much they are worth can be difficult.  Fortunately, we make it easy to quickly find the value.  In addition, most owners who are curious about the value are considering selling royalties in Ector County Texas.    This free guide will help you better understand your royalties and what they are worth!

How to estimate royalties value

We get countless e-mails asking about royalties value.  You’re not alone trying to find reliable information about how much they are worth.  Most people are hesitant to provide any information.  Why?  Simple, they want you to believe your royalties are worth LESS than they actually are.  If they tell you about the value, then you will expect to get that much when you sell royalties in Ector County Texas (and you should).

To estimate the value of royalties, all you need to know is the average amount you have received in the last 3 months.  Once you know the average amount, simply enter it in the first section below:


Most buyers will pay between 4 years and 6 years of production based on the average monthly royalty check you receive. Enter your average monthly royalty check below to see how much your royalty could be worth.

But be careful to consider that in many counties, it is very possible that this formula for calculating the value of your mineral rights and royalties could be very low.

As you can see, you might expect to get anywhere from 4 years to 6 years times the amount you receive each month.  You may be wondering why there is such a range.  The reason is that many factors determine how much you will get.  Things like surrounding production, royalty percentage, and the amount you received in prior years all play a role.

It’s also important to point out that you may receive way more than the above calculator suggests.   If there are additional drilling opportunities, many buyers are willing to pay a hefty premium for your property.

How to Sell Royalties for Maximum Value

Want to see your bank account go up by the highest amount?  The best way to ensure you get the highest possible amount when selling royalties in Ector County Texas (or anywhere) is to list your property at US Mineral Exchange.  Listing at US Mineral Exchange is like putting your home on the MLS.  It sends a notification to all the royalty buyers in the US that your property is for sale.

What happens next is that buyers from all over start placing bids on your property.   We have spoken to a lot of royalty owners who got in excess of 5 offers for their property within a week of listing.   Each of these buyers knows they are competing against other buyers.  What this does is forces them to make their best possible offer.   This means you are going to be paid the best possible price when you sell royalties.

Free Consultation – Sell Mineral Rights in Texas

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