Sell Oil and Gas Royalties
in Dimmit County Texas

If you own oil and gas royalties in Dimmit County Texas you may have thought about selling.   When you sell oil and gas royalties in Dimmit County Texas it’s important for you to maximize value.  You want to put the most cash possible in your pocket.   Once you sell oil royalties you won’t be getting monthly royalties checks anymore so you need to get the most value you can for them when you sell.   We can help you better understand the value of oil and gas royalties in Texas and how to sell them for maximum value.

Oil and Gas Royalties Value

One of the most common questions we get from mineral owners is about the value of their oil and gas royalties.  If this is you, we can help!  When you sell oil and gas royalties in Dimmit county Texas, the value is going to depend on a number of factors.   Some of these factors include:

  • Operator
  • Current Oil and Gas Prices
  • Average Production
  • Average amount you have received
  • Lease Agreement Terms
  • Number of acres owned

With so many different factors affecting oil and gas royalties value in Texas, how do you determine a value?  A good rule of thumb to use is 4 to 6 years times the average monthly amount you receive.  Most royalty buyers in Texas will offer to pay between 4 years and 6 years of the average monthly amount you receive.  When you sell oil and gas royalties in Dimmit County Texas the value could fall outside that range depending on the factors above.

If you want a quick estimate of the value of oil and gas royalties in Dimmit county Texas, use the calculator below.  You can enter the average amount you get each month in the first box to see a range of how much you could sell oil and gas royalties for:


Most buyers will pay between 4 years and 6 years of production based on the average monthly royalty check you receive. Enter your average monthly royalty check below to see how much your royalty could be worth.

But be careful to consider that in many counties, it is very possible that this formula for calculating the value of your mineral rights and royalties could be very low.

How to Sell Royalties for Maximum Value

You want to sell oil and gas royalties in Dimmit County Texas for maximum value right?  Of course you do!  So what’s the best way to make that happen?

Many mineral owners make the mistake of doing a quick google search for royalty buyers and submit their information to a few websites.  They then wait to get some offers back and accept the highest one.  Simple enough right?  Here’s the problem.  There are literally thousands of buyers out there and when you individually contact a few there is no way to know if you are truly getting a fair price.

The best way to get maximum value for your oil and gas royalties is to get them in front of the entire market of thousands of buyers.  Just like putting a home on the MLS, you want your property get the highest amount of exposure possible.   To accomplish this we recommend you list your property online at US Mineral Exchange.   They are the industry leader in helping mineral owners sell oil and gas royalties for maximum value.    Listing your property on US Mineral Exchange is like putting your home on the MLS.  It allows all the royalty buyers in the market to see your property is for sale and then submit a bid.  This competition drives up prices and ensures you get maximum value.

Free Consultation – Sell Mineral Rights in Texas

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